The Government and COVID-19 Vaccines

The Government’s response to COVID-19 has been the focus of much of the politics discussed today. Australia first began its journey to vaccination in early 2021, predominantly providing Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Since then, numerous mandates have been implemented differing from state to state. The response has caused division unlike ever before. On the news, in your conversations, and on your screens. Phrases like “pandemic of the unvaccinated” cause difference of opinion, which is having an unexpectedly significant impact on relationships and friendships. Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has just announced that all bosses must require their staff be vaccinated, or the staff member will be terminated. The constant changing of travelling policies has separated loved ones for lengthy times. There are certainly means for evaluating how the Government has handled this pandemic, and how you feel about it.

I have created a survey in which 50 Australians provided their perspectives on the Government’s vaccine policies, and their vaccination experiences.

In this podcast, I discuss the results and hope to provoke some deeper thinking about the way in which our Government, and consequently the public, is responding to the vaccine requirements.

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